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Our full colour custom printed boat decals will set you apart from the crowd. 

If you are not looking for an image and require only a boat name in solid colours please see Boat Name - 1-2 colours

Product Details

Full colour boat name decals are a digitally printed graphic onto a 5 year outdoor vinyl and covered with a 5 year outdoor overlaminate film. The print is then contour cut and the background is removed providing you with a finished sticker with no background. All stickers come with application paper for easy installation in x1 piece. 

The advantace to a printed sticker is there is no limitations to the number of colours or detail that can be used including photos, images, gradients and blends. 

Artwork & Design

Your custom layout will be sent via email within 48 hours (Monday-Friday) the initial proof will include one layout option based on the information you have provided.

We will ask for any feedback or any adjustments that need to be made giving you the opportunity for x1 additional proof with adjustments as required.

Disclaimer: Stickerman Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to reject any design works that will extend beyond the time that Stickerman has allocated for the amount quoted. In the event at Stickerman rejects the design work the client will be contacted prior to any works being started and will be provided with a custom quotation. In the event the client does not wish to proceed a full refund will be issued.